This page tests the OneCol New containers with different styles and permission/visibility settings.

gb 1

Some Text


Below are block control rows.   This particular line is long enough to test how breakable text wraps.
Super admin: ?module=administrationmodule&action=superadmin

Debug Mode On: ?action=switch&module=uiswitchermodule&uilevel=4&adminmenu=unchanged&edit=unchanged&editsides=unchanged

See the terse form of this page: ?debuglayout=containers 


Test style

Adding a style, "pink"

Have blocks that are logged in and not logged in

Not Logged in!

Now have 3+ hidden elements. Lets see if they add spacing.

Be sure to also try it with bars enabled, to be sure that we do not get 3 bars.

Hidden stuff

Hidden stuff

Hidden stuff

The 3 hidden blocks are above. What spacing did we see?


Insert some blocks below that come and go based on width.

Make sure we do not have odd bars or spacing.

Mobile only

    Mobile or Tablet

        Tablets or Laptops


How did the responsive blocks above do?

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